Back in 2019, Andrew and I ran the first ‘rebooted’ DDD Adelaide conference. The response from the Adelaide developer community was amazing, and we were all set to run again in 2020. For some reason, we had to put plans on hold for a few years, but I’m excited to announce that we are back for 2023!

DDD Adelaide 2023 logo

It’s awesome to have Claire Webber, Harnoor Bandesh, Isaac Mann and Will Turner join the organising team. Check out Isaac’s post about why he got involved.

Tickets are on sale now, but numbers are limited, so get in quick!

If you are interested in speaking, we are now accepting talk proposals. We are looking for a diverse range of speakers and topics. You don’t need to be an expert speaker, we are happy to help you prepare your talk.

Finally, an event like this doesn’t happen without sponsors. We strive to keep the ticket price low so that it won’t be a barrier for anyone to attend. But there are a surprising number of expenses involved in running the event, and income from tickets doesn’t come close to covering the costs. That’s why we need sponsors, so if you work for a company that would like to support the Adelaide developer community, please get in touch.

Call to action

David and Andrew standing in front of a seated crowd at DDD 2019

Hope to see you there! I’ll be the tall guy wearing the special edition ‘DDD’ Akubra 😊