Passed 70-562
I’ve received confirmation that I passed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development. This was one of the two beta exams I did in early May.
The one good thing about doing beta exams is they are free. The bad thing is that unlike regular exams, you have to wait 6-8 weeks to find out if you passed or not, and you don’t get a score – just a pass or fail.
CodeCampSA 2008 – Day 2
Presentation notes
Paul Stovell – Reactive Programming
- Reactive programming. cf. Excel
- Data binding – similar for .NET
- Manipulating the flow
- WPF ValueConverters
- EditableAdapter class
- Reactive Domain Models
- Search query generic class
Bindable LINQ
- A bit like SqlCacheDependency for LINQ expressions
- Very cool!
- Just add one method to LINQ and you’re done
Tatham Oddie - ASP.NET MVC
- The “I” in URI is for Indicator
- Controller – adds data to ViewData dictionary
- Html.ActionLink (Html helper class)
- Routes – more than just URL rewriting
- System.Web.Routing – can also be used in WebForms
- View Engines – WebForms, but can also use others
- RegisterControllers – extension method for WindsorContainer class
Ben Mackie – Reflection, extension, injection
Three types of projects
- Configuration
- Extension
- SPI – service provider interface – how the host depends on the extension
- Castle configuration – can pass references to other dependencies through the config
- Contracts, views and adapters
I wonder if you could write a whole application as a bunch of addins?
Dr Greg Low – SQL isolation levels etc
How much one user impacts others.
- Read committed (shared lock, SQL default)
- Read uncommitted (no locks, risky) – consider using a read-only partition on a table instead
- Repeatable read (locks, but can have phantom rows)
- Serializable (locks, no phantoms) – very consistent
- Snapshot (2005+, writers not blocked, uses row versioning)
- Shared (S)
- Updated (U)
- Exclusive (X)
- Intent
- Schema
- Bulk update (Bu)
Make sure you use semicolons in your T-SQL as it will become mandatory in the future
- Hints – use as a last resort
- Use new DMVs to find blocking queries
- who ever did the least work gets killed (different from earlier versions)
- Use deadlock graph (lock events) in SQL profiler
- Make use of TRY/CATCH (2005+)
- Build deadlock handling into client app from day one
Shane Morris – User Experience (UX)
UX design process
- Information design
- Interaction design
- Presentation design
Interaction and presentation are mostly in the “coding” side.
Interaction design
- List everything you need to show
- Map out the workflow – what order are people going to work?
- Layout the elements (left-right, top-bottom)
- Check groupings
Presentation design
- Remove every unnecessary element
- ?
- Line stuff up – line up text to baselines (eg. labels and textboxes)
- Space and size things evenly
- Indicate grouping (group-boxes, similarity, proximity, alignment, empty space)
- Add visual weight
- Colour
- Size
- Contrast
- Irregular shape
- Misalignment
- 3D
- Movement
Daniel Brown – SharePoint development
New Visual Studio 2008 extensions for SharePoint.
Corneliu Tusnea – Debugging the CLR
Debugging in Visual Studio
Use the Debugger attributes
- DebuggerDisplayAttribute
- Use object ID to attach to objects in the watch window
Memory dumps
- .loadby sos mscorwks
- !threads (list threads)
- !pe xxxxx (print exception)
- !do xxxxx (dump object)
- !dso (dump stack objects)
- !iptomd xxxx (map instruction pointer to memory dump)
- !dumpmt xxxx (dump method table)
gflags - use to start debugger before service starts
Adrian Downs – PerformancePoint
Demonstration of Dashboard Designer
Final day thoughts
Another great day of content. I had to leave before Paul’s second quiz was finished (apparently the SMS proved problematic and they had to resort to paper in the end). Maybe next time the quiz could be run over the whole day (eg. a question in between each session). This would give time for answers to be received.
Well done to Peter for organising everything, and special thanks to the interstate speakers for making the effort to come down to Adelaide – very much appreciated.
Dual monitoring again
Hooray! It’s a bit like Christmas at the moment. Not only did I win a $AU19,000 MSDN subscription at CodeCampSA on the weekend (feel free to add your comments as to whether I should keep it or give it away to a suitable cause), but finally my second monitor arrived this morning at ABB. I’ve been waiting 5 weeks for this, and there were times when I wondered if it would ever happen.
The new monitor is a HP L1950, which is the same screen size as my existing HP L1906, but most importantly has DVI input, and also a slightly narrower bezel.
My current machine is one of these dinky HP dc7800p ultra-slim desktops. To be honest, they’re probably fine for your average Microsoft Office user, but they are quite a bit under-specced for developing.
This is something that we’ve raised, and hopefully will be addressed soon either by extra RAM and a second hard drive, or (fingers crossed) some replacement boxes that are more in the “power workstation” class. I think this is critical, as we have a tight deadline and don’t want to waste time watching the hard disk LED glow brightly for 30 seconds at a time (freezing Windows) until it’s ready again.
After all, it’s not like I’m asking for three screens or anything!