bit columns
I was looking at some T-SQL that RJ had written and noticed he was using 'True' and 'False' when dealing with bit data types.
I've always used 1 and 0, but I think 'True' and 'False' is more obvious, and I think I'll start using it from now on.
Sure enough, the SQL 2005 Books Online entry for bit (Transact-SQL) mentions this:
The string values TRUE and FALSE can be converted to bit values: TRUE is converted to 1 and FALSE is converted to 0.
Australian Citizenship
Is it me, or does the guy in this Advertisement for the new Australian Citizenship Test look a bit like Michael Kleef?
Mounting ISO files from the command-line
With some recent birthdays, we've acquired some computer games for the kids to play.
The titles include:
- Arthur's Wilderness Rescue
- Arthur's Sand Castle Content
- Arthur's Pet Chase
- Discovering Dinosaurs
- Phonics 1 for beginners
Even though these games are quite engaging and the kids really seem to like them, it's amazing at how clumsy some of these applications are to get installed in a 'safe' way.
I install them myself, and then set up shortcuts so that the kids can log in using their username. I am an admin on our home pc, but the other accounts are just regular users.
The games expect to run as Administrator (eg. the "Arthur" titles try and write the saved games back to the Program File installed directory (instead of in the user's profile). As a consequence, I had to fire up cacls.exe to grant Everyone permission to write to this folder.
They also seem to assume you have a VGA monitor - when they try and change the resolution it doesn't always look that good on a LCD display.
They also often require the CD to be in the CD-ROM drive. I find this particularly annoying. The installation should allow me to install everything from the drive onto the hard disk so you don't need to be swapping CD's.
I'm trying to work around this by generating an ISO image of the CD using ISO Recorder, and then mounting and unmounting the image when you want to run the game.
I found FileDisk - a Windows driver and command-line tool to mount and unmount ISO files. I then created a small batch file that I thought should do the job:
@echo off
REM mount cd "C:\bin\filedisk.exe" /mount 1 "c:\Install\ISO\ArthurWildernessRescue.iso" /cd e:
cd "C:\Program Files\The Learning Company\Arthur's Wilderness Rescue\Launcher"
REM run "C:\Program Files\The Learning Company\Arthur's Wilderness Rescue\Launcher\TLCLauncher.exe"
REM unmount "C:\bin\filedisk.exe" /umount e:
I then tried this out with one of the non-admin logins, but sadly it fails with an "access denied" error. It appears that filedisk is using one of the Win32 API calls assuming the current user is an Administrator too.
Filedisk does include source code, so it might be possible to fix this, but I'm guessing it might take a bit of time to figure it out.
Taking "Arthur's Wilderness Rescue" as an example, I looked closer at what files it had left on the CD, and it didn't appear to be many at all!
I located a file "salstartup.xml" and noticed that it was pointing to a file on the CD, so I copied this file onto the hard disk and updated the XML file and it appears that it all works now without the CD being in the drive.