• APAC SharePoint Conference thoughts

    Last month I attended the 2-day Asia-Pacific Microsoft SharePoint Conference, held at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.

    It proved to be the ideal timing for me, as I've been tinkering around the edges of SharePoint 2007 for most of this year.

    There were lots of good technical talks, though I was a bit disappointed at the number of delays for sessions starting because of speaker's laptops being messed up, virtual machines not working or network connections not connecting.

    One useful thing I did pick up was that there are a number of handy tools people are writing that will make developing sites in SharePoint a lot easier.

    The venue was excellent - we stayed at the Hilton which is probably the fanciest place I can remember staying at! Very comfortable rooms, and the catering for the event was great.

    The Tuesday night "entertainment" turned out to be a very creative "Wild West Saloon Bar" theme - complete with lots of gambling tables. I grabbed some food to eat, but then left early (I don't gamble, so there wasn't much attraction to staying around) and saw Spiderman 3 at the Darling Harbour Imax. Seeing it on the very big screen is one way to realise that Tobey Maquire and Kirsten Dunst don't have perfect skin after all!

  • CodeCampSA

    Adelaide will be hosting its very own CodeCamp on the weekend of July 7-8th, at the City-West campus of the University of South Australia (in the Hans Heysen Building).

    Published information is a bit scarce at the moment - there's a small mention on the ADNUG site (a spell checker would be good!) and also in the ACS events register.

    Hopefully we'll see a programme and list of speakers shortly.

  • Create reusable Project and Item Templates for Visual Studio 2005

    Searching for information about how to create some custom project and solution templates for Visual Studio, I came across this article - Visual Studio 2005: Create Reusable Project And Item Templates For Your Development Team – MSDN Magazine, January 2006.

    I'd presumed that I'd need to make use of the Visual Studio SDK to do this, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that half the work is already built in to Visual Studio itself!

    I'd apparently overlooked the "Export Template.." item in the File menu, but this can create a template for a Project Item (eg. a custom file) or a Project as a whole.

    I then started reading the Visual Studio Templates section of the MSDN Library to see how you can create multi-project templates which I think should allow me to package up a whole solution as a template with multiple projects.