• The country of XBox

    XBOX 360 consul (sic) for hire I saw this sign out the front of the local video shop a few weeks ago, and last weekend remembered to take a photo of it!. It's a bit surprising, as I would have thought you would pick 'console' before 'consul' as the more well-known/spelled word. I suppose they do have those 'alternate world' games to which you might want to have diplomatic relations!

  • Virus protection for Vista 64bit

    I'm back at work after two weeks leave over the Christmas/New Year's break. Not too many emails to sort through, and not too many problems to fix so far.

    One nice thing was that Michael from ISTS (our IT Unit) got hold of the latest build of Symantec AntiVirus which finally supports Vista 64bit.

    It's been the one big uncertainty about running Vista 64-bit - having to tread very carefully for the last month or two without that extra safety net.

    I also got access to the RTM of Office 2007 Enterprise Edition just before I went on leave, so it's nice to be running the release version of Office 2007 now.

  • Passed 70-536!

    You may recall that I was supposed to do this exam yesterday, but there was a problem with the exam workstation, so I had to reschedule to today. It was a bit tight, as Pearson VUE wouldn't let me reschedule to next year as the voucher I used expires on 31st December.

    It was reasonably tricky - a couple of the questions I just had to guess - particularly some of the stuff I don't use much, but I felt reasonably confident about most of them.

    Still, it was a big relief to get to the final screen to see "You have been successful" (or words to that effect). I wanted to shout "YAY", but there were other people doing exams in the same room so I just did it silently instead :-)

    I got 894 by the way.