• NDepend

    “Understand and control the architecture of your .NET application”

  • Scott Guthrie coming to Australia

    Scott Guthrie will be speaking at the Microsoft TechEd Conference in Sydney later this year!

  • Mozilla patch and CodeCampOz

    Two interesting things have happened in the last couple of days - I’ve had another patch accepted into the Mozilla source code repository, and I’ve driven to Wagga Wagga with Roger, Gary and Dat to attend the 2006 CodeCamp.

    The Mozilla patch fixes a problem that some users had noticed with Firefox 1.5 when they were pasting web content into Outlook 2000 plain-text emails. An unusual case, but it looks like the fix was pretty simple and didn’t break the functionality for other users. The patch is checked in to the “trunk” and should make it into Firefox 2.0 - I’ll try to get it into a future 1.5 update but that may be over optimistic.

    The drive to Wagga went well. It’s good to have Dat along on this trip (he couldn’t make CodeCamp last year). So far the presentations have been really good, though I confess I (again) didn’t pay attention in the BizTalk session :-)