Domain-Specific Language Tools: Model-Driven Development of .NET Enterprise Applications
I heard Susan Entwisle present at CodeCampOz this year, and it was quite an interesting presentation. Slightly more "academic" or "big-picture" than some of the other talks, but fascinating nonetheless.
To be honest, I'm still not certain that we could make very much use of these kinds of tools with the kind of projects we work on, but it is an interesting field to keep an eye on.
Prioritizing Web Usability: Jakob Nielsen's new book
Haven't read it yet, but we should be getting a copy soon. Jakob knows his stuff, and his earlier book Prioritizing Web Usability (Voices That Matter) is one of the standard references on the subject.
Extension progress
I'm pleased to say that we finally have some really good progress on the house extension.
Paul (our builder) hurt his back just after the slab was poured, so he's only just been able to return to work. As you can see, we have had a bit of rain lately so it a bit on the muddy side now.
It's all looking really good though, and it is great to finally be able to walk around and get a sense of the space and size of all the rooms.