Oz court case exposes lack of fairness | The Register
I am not a legal expert, but I found this commentry in The Register interesting - it seems to imply that someone has been charged in Australia for having a web page that linked to another site (not run by them) that hosted illegal content (audio files). Does this mean we'll have to keep a closer watch on where external links go to?
feedmap.net : Where Blogs Meet Maps
feedmap .net (BETA) : Where Blogs Meet Maps: "Using FeedMap you can geo-code your blog, browse already geo-coded blogs and search for blogs. Once geo-coded, you can get your own BlogMap location using a simple url that allows you to network with your local bloggers and much more!"
Controlling JS From CSS
Controlling JS From CSS. Some Javascript that can highlight access key shortcuts in HTML - the AccessKey Underlining Library.