• PowerShell require minimum version

    I have some PowerShell scripts that had a dependency on using at least PowerShell 4.0. I'd added #Require -Version 4.0 to the top of the script, but was surprised the other day when this script ran on a machine with only PowerShell 2.0 and it didn't complain. Well it did complain about other things (related to trying to run on the older version), but it didn't throw up an error about the wrong version immediately like I'd expected.

    Double-checking the documentation for About_Requires, I realised I'd made a minor (but significant) typo.

    #Requires -Version 4.0

    Yeah - a missing 's'. Without that, it's just a commented line rather than a directive, so it was having no effect.

    As it happens, this script also needs to be run as an Administrator, and whilst browsing same the documentation discovered there's also a Requires prerequisite for that too!

    #Requires -RunAsAdministrator

    Trying to run the script non-elevated results in the following error:

    .\Script.ps1 : The script 'Script.ps1' cannot be run because it contains a "#requires" statement for running as Administrator. The current PowerShell session is not running as Administrator. Start PowerShell by using the Run as Administrator option, and then try running the script again.

  • My .NET Conf 2019 talk - Publish or Perish

    The recording from my presentation 'Publish or perish - tricks to successfully ship your NET Core 3 app' that was part of .NET Net Conf is now up on YouTube.

    The source for the demos are in this GitHub repository

  • Speaking at .NET Conf 2019

    .NET Conf 2019 I'm really looking to .NET Net Conf, particularly as I'll be one of the speakers!

    .NET Conf kicks off on 23rd September 16:00 UTC / 24th September 01:30 +930. It's a virtual conference where all the speakers appear online.

    I'm presenting a talk on new publishing options for .NET Core 3 apps. If you'd like to see me live, tune in on 25th September 04:00 UTC / 13:30 +930

    We're also hosting an Adelaide local .NET Conf event next month as part of the Adelaide .NET User Group, with David Wengier speaking about Pragmatic Performance. Sign up here.