Change Management update
This afternoon, there’s a meeting of all staff from the Flexible Learning Centre to discuss the plan for restructuring the unit. If there are no major stumbling blocks then the final plan will be published next week and the changes will start after that.
If there’s been one positive thing to come out of this whole “managing change” process, I think it has brought us closer together as a team (specifically the Online Services and IT teams). We’ve been having more lunches, morning teas, and spontaneous chats about how we are going. As well as wanting to know colleague’s plans for the future, I sense there’s also a bit more caring going on - making sure people are ok (or as ok as you can be).
Unfortunately for me, I’ve ended up missing most of this week being sick with a really nasty throat infection. It was good enough that the Doctor decided antibiotics might be helpful. One strange side-effect of being sick at home for a few days is I now have Justine Clarke’s “Watermelon” song running around in my head, due to watching too much ABC Kids TV programmes :-)
Categories: UniSA