When I’m not cutting code, I cut trees :-)

David chainsawing a tree

It was a fine day on Saturday, so I hired a chainsaw finished up the job that a big storm started last year.

Two-thirds of our Manchurian pear tree was blown over (conveniently missing the roses and the other tree you can see on the left). At the time, a friend Craig (also a code-cutter by the way) came over to help clean up the mess. We left all the branches in a big pile, and that, along with the remaining trunk was chopped up on the weekend.

And it is true to paraphrase the old saying - when you have a chainsaw, everything looks like potential firewood.

Sunday was Father’s day, and rather than breakfast in bed, the kids decided not to wake us up early for a change – much appreciated – especially as I was feeling a bit sore from lugging the chainsaw around the day before (keyboard work doesn’t seem to give you as big arm muscles as you might think!).