More WHS Backup options
Some updates on options for online backup of Windows Home Server:
- For a brief period it looked like Mozy would be releasing a WHS client but that turns out not to be the case. I’d let my free trial with KeepVault lapse in anticipation of the Mozy product being released. Oh well :-(
- Found Backblaze - ($US5/month unlimited) but doubt they work with WHS. Casey from the Backblaze team responded to an email query saying “..don’t have any plans for supporting Server OS like Windows Home Server”
- Others have recommended CrashPlan, and certainly their prices are competitive with Mozy and Carbonite. Whilst it isn’t officially supported with WHS, at least it gets a mention on their support site. Poster “Scott” goes into more detail on how he got it working with WHS.
Categories: Windows Home Server