CodeCampSA 2010
Adelaide’s own CodeCampSA is on July 24-25th this year, and all you have to do is follow these easy steps:
- Visit the CodeCampSA website for all the details
- Register to say that you’re coming (it’s free, but helps with catering and arranging access to the wireless LAN etc)
- Keep up to date with the latest news by subscribing to the CodeCampSA feed.
Once again, we’re privileged to have speakers from both Adelaide and interstate – including LobsterPot Solutions’ very own Rob Farley and some fellow named David Gardiner 😀
If you’ve got any free time over that weekend and you’re interested in learning new things about .NET, software development, SQL Server, SharePoint and other related things, I’d strongly recommend you try and get down to UniSA’s City West Campus. I know I’m planning to be there for the whole weekend!
Finally, it’s probably not too late to contact Peter Griffith if you’ve got the urge to present on a topic.
Categories: Conferences