Screen grab of Internode Usage appMy first application for Windows Phone 7 has now been published to the marketplace!

It’s a free usage meter for Internode’s broadband customers. Want to check how your much quota you have left on your ADSL plan? This app will tell you.

The first version is pretty simple. It displays two sections. The first (shown above) displays your total quota, amount used so far, and the time the data was retrieved. The second section displays details for your account (see below).

To install it on your Windows Phone 7 device, go to (Opens in Zune)


ScreenGrab-WelcomeWelcome screen

When you first run the app, a welcome screen is displayed and you are prompted to go to the settings page to enter your username and password. (In version 1.0, there’s a bug where the big ‘Settings’ button doesn’t do anything – you’ll have to click on the settings icon Settings icon instead. This will be fixed in the next update)



Enter your Internode username (just the bit before the @ works for me)and password.

Click on the ‘Save’ icon to store these credentials.


Your account details, including full username, monthly quota, plan name and plan speed.

Coming next

Features I’m thinking of adding for the next update:

  • Usage history – graphs of last 12 months and detailed graph of last 30 days
  • Improved icons (hopefully the Internode logo if permission can be obtained)

I’m also keen to hear of any other suggestions.


This application uses the Internode API, however for the canonical source for your usage, please always refer to My Internode.

In many ways, the app is inspired by Angus Johnson’s Internode Monthly Usage Meter (MUM). I’ve been a happy MUM user for as long as I’ve had Internode ADSL.