Aussie Toilets app v1.2
'Aussie Toilets' version 1.2 is now available in the Windows Phone marketplace. This is my Windows Phone 7 app that shows the nearest public toilets to your current location.
The latest release includes the April 2011 dataset, and significant performance improvements. Specifically, toilet locations should load almost instantly. So now if you're in a hurry to find the nearest public toilet, you'll be relieved (ha ha) to know you won't be kept waiting any longer than necessary.
I'm quite chuffed that 'Aussie Toilets' is currently sitting at no. 3 in the top selling apps of the 'Navigation' category in Zune. Not sure if this is just for Australia or global. So far I've had over 1,200 downloads, which isn't too bad at all.
PS. I have received a bug report from an Austrian user of Aussie Toilets – turns out I hadn't tested the app outside Australia! This may explain an issue I had with getting 1.2 passing the Marketplace requirements (as I assume the testing would be taking place in North America). So expect v1.3 very soon!
Update 24th April, 3.30pm Version 1.3 is now available in the marketplace
Categories: Windows Phone