Windows 7 Boot to VHD
For my own reference, some useful resources about boot to VHD:
Following instructions from
create vdisk file=C:\VHD\test.vhd maximum=25000 type=expandable select vdisk file=C:\VHD\test.vhd attach vdisk create partition primary assign letter=v format quick FS=NTFS label=VHD exit
PS C:\VHDs> .\Install-WindowsImage.ps1 -WIM D:\sources\install.wim
Index Image Name [1] Windows 7 Home Basic [2] Windows 7 Home Premium [3] Windows 7 Professional [4] Windows 7 Ultimate
PS C:\VHDs> .\Install-WindowsImage.ps1 -WIM D:\sources\install.wim -Apply -Index 4 -Destination v: Applying “Windows 7 Ultimate” to v:… WARNING: This may take up to 15 minutes…
V:\Windows\System32\bcdboot V:\Windows
bcdedit -v
bcdedit /set {GUID} description=”Windows 7 VHD”
Useful utility BCDEdit -
Categories: PowerShell, Windows 7