TechEd 2011–Day 1
A thundery wet night last night. Glad I brought my spray jacket, but even then I got pretty wet walking home. Wednesday morning the storm had gone and we were left with a beautiful clear day.
First up, I caught most of Adam Cogan presenting DEV316 - 15 rules to developer heaven. Some interesting thoughts on using addins for TFS to get better visualisation of progress (this will improve in, and using screenshots or screencasts to verify work is "done". Also the idea of user stories including acceptance criteria.
Next was my first Instructor-led Lab – "Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3: Fundamentals". It turns out this was probably one of the most popular labs of the conference, and unfortunately we had to turn a lot of people away.
After the lab, I checked out Rick Claus presenting SRV305 - Diagnosing the Diseases of DNS. Yes, my main focus is development but it can be useful to have some understanding of related areas.
After lunch, I caught Reid Purvis and Sashank Pawar doing DAT309 - Virtualising SQL Server with Hyper-V.
Time for a quick bit of afternoon tea, then I was helping in the hands-on labs for the rest of the day.
Before heading back to the hotel, I enjoyed catching up with Narelle and the kids, and then my parents in two Skype conversations.
My youngest asked "would you like to come home Daddy?" – now that does tug at your heart strings. I'll be home soon.
Categories: Conferences