Getting CA2213 warnings after installing Visual Studio 2015 Update 1
I installed Update 1 for Visual Studio 2015 this morning and then upon reopening an existing solution I noticed some new warnings/errors listed in the Error List panel:
The problem was that warning didn’t appear before the update, and inspecting the code revealed that in fact that class did implement IDisposable and did dispose the field in question. What’s going on here – surely this isn’t a bug in Update 1?
That was my original thought, but then I remembered that this project references the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers Code Analyzer NuGet package. I wonder if that package needs an update?
Let’s fire up the NuGet Package Manager and make use of the new ‘Updates’ tab to find out..
Yes, there are! A quick check of the Select all packages checkbox and click on the Update button, and tada – no more warnings 😀
Categories: .NET