Speaking at NDC Sydney 2017
Well this happened!
Yes, my talk “Life is like a Box of Chocolate(y)” was accepted for NDC Sydney!
I’ll be speaking about using Chocolatey and BoxStarter as a way of scripting out the configuration of your developer workstation. You might think of these as more “IT” tools, but I want to show developers how easy they are to use.
Combined with Windows 10’s Reset, this means you can rebuild your Windows environment in a matter of minutes, allowing you to apply the “cattle, not pets” approach to your own PC.
Last year I attended NDC as a volunteer crew member and afterwards said that “this is THE developer event in Australia”.
So go have a look at the speakers and sessions. I reckon it’s a pretty compelling line-up, and if you register before Sunday 14th May, you can take advantage of early bird prices.
I hope to see you there!
Categories: Conferences, Talks