Game over
This year I decided to return to playing basketball socially after a break of about 5-6 years. Like most other sports I’d tried, I didn’t have much natural talent, but enjoyed participating.
This season did not start out well. The first game back, I was enjoying being back on the court (if also realising how unfit I was!). But as the match progressed, my heel was getting sorer and sorer. Later diagnosed by the Physio as tendonitis - probably caused by going out way too hard after such a long time of not running at all.
A week off and some daily stretching (that I’m still doing months later) and I was feeling ok to get back again. A few more games and then more problems..
My back had been feeling a little uncomfortable earlier in the day, but I figured lots of stretching and I’d be fine. I played with out any issues and then drove home. But as I got out of the car, I felt my back go!
Some Chiro on the Monday, more stretching and trying to stand (instead of sitting down) at work meant, after another week off, I thought I’d be ok to come back again. I played last week without incident, though I was a little sore the next day.
Yesterday, my back was still not 100% but I figured I’d see how I went. That was probably a mistake. Part-way through the second half of the game, I went to chase the ball and felt my back go again. I took no further part in the game. Time to listen to my body and give it a proper rest.
And that’s how my 2019 basketball season unceremoniously ended. Maybe I can give it another go in 2020, but if I do I think I’ll need to invest in a lot better preparation. It would be disappointing if it turns out that I can’t play again, but that’s also a possibility. And better to retire my basketball boots and still be able to do other things, than really injure myself badly.