Wow, that escalated fast. In the space of just a few weeks:
- The MVP Summit trip to Seattle and Redmond was cancelled (and replaced with a virtual conference).
- My daughter’s school long anticipated school trip to Spain has been cancelled/deferred.
- Massive government interventions.
- People are dying.
- Many people (particularly those in service industries) are (or soon will be) doing it really tough.
- Our family is increasing our social distance as much as possible.
- I’m planning to run the next few months of ADNUG as online virtual meetings.
- I’m now working from home for the forseeable future. I appreciate that my job allows me to do that - not everyone has that option.
To avoid being cooped up in the house the entire day, the last couple of mornings before starting work I’ve gone for a short walk around the neighbourhood with my other daughter. It emulates my walk to the bus stop. Hopefully we can make it a regular thing.
Apparently my legs are a bit longer than hers, so a short break on a seat in the park along the way is required :-)
This is going to be a very disruptive time. Things aren’t too bad (yet) where I live, but the stories from overseas are quite scary. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Categories: ADNUG, Family, MVP Summit, Health