Or how to debug any Jest unit test in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to debug a TypeScript unit test which uses the Jest library. There's a nice VS Code extension vs-jest that integrates with Jest and even adds CodeLens labels so you can click to debug a specific test. Except the debug label kept disappearing! It would show when I first loaded the folder in Code, but after the tests all ran then the label would go away. Even though the test is passing, I wanted to debug it so I could step through the code. What's going on?

Screenshot showing 'Debug' going away

There's some troubleshooting tips listed on the vscode-jest README. This gave me the hint that there are some config settings that can alter how the extension behaves. When I viewed my current settings.json, I saw this:

    "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules\\typescript\\lib",
    "eslint.packageManager": "yarn",
    "eslint.validate": [
        {"language": "typescript", "autoFix": true }
    "jest.debugCodeLens.showWhenTestStateIn": [

That last setting caught my attention. Clicking inside that array and code completion offered two other values "pass" and "skip".

    "jest.debugCodeLens.showWhenTestStateIn": [

Adding those and hitting save, and then the 'debug' labels returned and stayed for all the tests!