• Passed 70-452

    Today I passed the exam 70-452 - “Designing a Business Intelligence Infrastructure Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008” with a score of 752.

    This means I now am a Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Business Intelligence Developer 2008, and also will contribute toward LobsterPot Solutions attaining ‘Advanced Competency’ status as a Microsoft Partner in Business Intelligence.

  • What makes a workplace (part 6)

    Professional development

    • Career path
    • Training/Learning opportunities
    • Conference/seminar attendance

    A chance to learn and develop new skills, being given opportunity to use those skills, and being valued appropriately.

    You do want to get paid your worth, but often your financial rewards are enhanced by other means. eg. conference attendance, salary sacrifice opportunities, stylish work shirts etc. I remember one of the places Narelle worked at had a monthly prize (she won a night for two at a fancy hotel – and yes I got to go with her!)

    My UniSA and ABB colleagues will surely remember I always wanted to get team t-shirts. One thing I like about working for LobsterPot Solutions is that that idea has finally been realised :-)


    I’m sure I’ve overlooked some things. What do you think is important?

    Having considered all that, it is sobering to realise that for probably millions of people, workplace choice isn’t even an option – they just do what they can to survive. I am conscious of the privilege I have had in where and how I was brought up, the education I was given and the opportunities that have been presented to me.

  • What makes a workplace (part 5)

    Bob the builderTools

    • Current PC, OS, software
    • Willing to get additional tools in as required

    “Don’t go blaming your toolbox, you need the right tool for the job” – Bob the Builder

    There are times when you will have to use older versions – especially if that’s what a particular client is still using, but hopefully this is the exception rather than the norm.

    This is something that Rob has also expressed, in that I hope to leave a client better off than when I first came. At least one of better code, better performance, better processes, better practices, better maintainability, better sense of humour.. you get the idea.

    It shouldn’t be a drama to get access to decent hardware and software. When you consider how much per hour you’re being paid, anything that can reasonably be done to remove impediments to your productivity should be followed up.