• Examples of log4net PatternLayout output

    log4net has a lot of options when it comes to defining what you write to your log. While all the patterns are documented, it is useful to see a sample output from some code. Here is the output produced from some of the patterns available:

    Pattern Class ‘BaseClass’ Class ‘SubClass’
    appdomain log4netPatterns.vshost.exe log4netPatterns.vshost.exe
    date 2009-05-24 16:37:26,578 2009-05-24 16:37:26,640
    file C:\Dev\GoogleCode-Gardiner\trunk\Log4netPatterns\log4netPatterns\Program.cs C:\Dev\GoogleCode-Gardiner\trunk\Log4netPatterns\log4netPatterns\Program.cs
    location log4netPatterns.BaseClasslog4net has a lot of options when it comes to defining what you write to your log. While all the patterns are documented, it is useful to see a sample output from some code. Here is the output produced from some of the patterns available  
    Pattern Class ‘BaseClass’ Class ‘SubClass’
    appdomain log4netPatterns.vshost.exe log4netPatterns.vshost.exe
    date 2009-05-24 16:37:26,578 2009-05-24 16:37:26,640
    file C:\Dev\GoogleCode-Gardiner\trunk\Log4netPatterns\log4netPatterns\Program.cs C:\Dev\GoogleCode-Gardiner\trunk\Log4netPatterns\log4netPatterns\Program.cs
    1.MyMethod(C:\Dev\GoogleCode-Gardiner\trunk\Log4netPatterns\log4netPatterns\Program.cs:32) log4netPatterns.SubClass.MyMethod(C:\Dev\GoogleCode-Gardiner\trunk\Log4netPatterns\log4netPatterns\Program.cs:49)  
    level DEBUG DEBUG
    line 32 49
    logger log4netPatterns.BaseClass`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] log4netPatterns.SubClass
    message BaseClass SubClass
    method MyMethod MyMethod
    property {log4net:HostName=morgan} {log4net:HostName=morgan}
    timestamp 45968 46015
    thread 2116 2116
    type log4netPatterns.BaseClass`1 log4netPatterns.SubClass
    username MORGAN\David MORGAN\David
    utcdate 2009-05-24 07:14:41,468 2009-05-24 07:14:41,515

    Of particular interest is the difference between logger and type. For the SubClass class, they result in the same output, but for the BaseClass logger is a lot more verbose (especially if your generic type happens to be from a strongly-signed assembly!). Using logger will give more detailed information but at the expense of larger log files.


    Because some of the patterns vary their output if you are in a base class or an inherited class, I created a simple class hierarchy, and also included use of generics.

    public class BaseClass<T>
       private ILog _log;
       public BaseClass()
           _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (BaseClass<T>));
       public virtual string MyMethod(T stuff)
           return "ha";
    public class SubClass : BaseClass<string>
       private ILog _log;
       public SubClass()
           _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (SubClass));
       public override string MyMethod(string stuff)
           return "ho ho";

    The project that included this code was strongly signed, to allow any effect this might cause to be evident.

  • Blog moved to http://david.gardiner.net.au

    I’ve decided to move my blog to a custom URL. It is still hosted by blogger, and the old address should continue to redirect to http://david.gardiner.net.au. If you are subscribed via a feed, then you shouldn’t need to change anything either.

    I wonder what that will do to my page rank?

  • How to mock a serial port

    This question came up on the Rhino Mocks list recently, and it interested me as the application we’re working on has to talk to serial ports too.

    Two common themes emerged:

    1. Write a “thin” interface for serial port operations and create a thin wrapper class that implements this interface and calls SerialPort directly. You can then mock out the interface easily.
    2. To test the wrapper, you can make use of the com0com null-modem emulator.

    I suspect there would still be a bit of effort to get the com0com emulator working properly, but it sounds promising.