• Change Management Final

    Yesterday, the final "Managing Change Plan" for the Flexible Learning Centre was released, as far as the areas that aren't being disputed by the NTEU.

    A quick read has revealed that my position will transfer to ISTS on April 21st. I'm currently on leave until mid-May so I'm not expecting that to affect me much. There's also a review and evaluation of the whole process scheduled in 12 months time - that will make interesting reading.

    One other thing I learned last week was that there's no chance of me getting a redundancy package instead of my position moving. I figured this might be the case, but when $$$s are involved you want to make sure.

    Having a break has been a good thing though:

    • Time to do some jobs around home (including getting ready for G3's arrival next month)
    • Taking the kids to school/sport.
    • Spending a bit more time with the kids before the new baby arrives.
    • Appreciation of what Narelle has been doing getting the kids ready every morning when I would normally be heading off to work.
    • Allowed Narelle to pick up some part-time work doing flu vaccinations at the local GP clinic.
    • Visiting Ikea and assembling various pieces of recently-purchased furniture.
    • Considering my work options (which almost certainly mean leaving UniSA for greener pastures)

    As I've said to a couple of people already, you definitely know you're on holidays when you start to lose track of what day it is!

  • {Year} of the {Hero}

    I don't know who thought of it first, but it looks like if you're running a conference or product launch this year, you need to include "Hero" in the title.

    Microsoft have been running their Heroes Happen {here} launch of Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 over the last few months.

    Now I've just received an email from IBM telling me about their Rational Software Development Conference - "Where teams are R-Heroes" (no, I'm not making this up).

    And like Microsoft, IBM Rational have names for their R-Heroes too.

    I think this just goes to show how bad things can get when the marketing guys have too much spare time.

    And what's up with those curly braces? If we had some VB events, should they have named it "Heroes Happen Begin Here End Here" ?

  • Things I need to learn more about

    Following on from a conversation I had yesterday, I realise there are some areas of .NET that I don't understand as well as I might:

    • Passing by reference and by value
    • The Garbage Collector
    • Re-using ASP.NET user controls

    You usually know what you know, but it is helpful to know what you don't know too.