Adelaide (Buckland Park) Radar offline
Users of my Australian Weather Radar gadget (particularly Adelaide-based ones and new users) - please note that the Buckland Park radar (and hence the images from it) is unavailable for the next two weeks.
So, no the gadget isn't broken (which was my first thought!) - just select a different location (eg. Sellicks Hill) and it all works again.
When I get a chance, I'll upload an updated version that fixes a few issues that I am aware of so far:
- Some locations are in the wrong state/territory.
- The centering of the image doesn't take into account the "docked height" value
Please let me know of any other bugs or errors you've noticed.
PageMethods goes Open Source
I just received an email from Fabrice Marguerie, the creator of PageMethods (that useful tool that helps make your links between pages in ASP.NET applications "type-safe") He's decided to make the project Open Source on CodePlex. This is great, as hopefully it will allow a few people to contribute and help the tool to develop and improve.
Australian Weather Radar - Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget
My very first Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget has been accepted by the Windows Live Gallery.
It allows you to select one of the weather radar locations provided by the Bureau of Meteorology, and then updates the image at regular intervals (10 minutes by default).
Because the sidebar is quite narrow, it also allows you re-centre the radar image so you can focus on your area of interest.
If you hover the mouse over the image, then it will cycle through the last few images (up to 10).
As outlined in the Copyright Notice on the Bureau's website, the images are copyrighted by the Commonwealth of Australia, but may be linked to without requiring permissions as long as acknowledgement is given and no advertising is nearby.