The Byrds were spot on when they sang "To everything… there is a season… and a time to every purpose under heaven". Spot on, because the lyrics (whilst put to music by Pete Seeger according to Wikipedia) are actually adapted directly from Ecclesiastes 3.

Particularly appropriate for me at the moment is the line the following line:

"A right time to plant and another to reap" Ecc 3:2b (The Message)

r160170_602465[1]Right now in country areas of South Australia, harvest is in full swing. In the past that wouldn't have meant so much to me, but having worked for the last 18 months at a certain ~Australian~Canadian agribusiness, the change of seasons and especially the impact of weather on crop production has become much more relevant.

These are interesting, but exciting times. I'm sure a number of the other verses from Ecclesiastes 3 are also applicable at the moment, but I'll write more about that later!