• Windows 10 and dodgy ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 drivers

    My old Dell XPS 1645 laptop is still kicking along. Sure, I might have nick-named it "Big Iron" due to the fact that it single-handedly technically put me over the carry-on baggage weight limit on my recent trip overseas, but it does the job, and runs Windows 10 quite well.

    Except that earlier this year Microsoft (or AMD/ATI) updated the video drivers (15.200.1060.0 [15/07/2015]) and introduced a bug that causes the maximum resolution to change to 1280x1024, which looks ridiculous. The only solution I’ve found is to revert back to the older driver.

    1. Open Device Manager Windows Device Manager
    2. Right-click on the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670
    3. Choose Update Driver Software
    4. Select Browse my computer for driver software
    5. Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
    6. In the list, select the older version (8.970.100.9001) Update Driver Software dialog
    7. Click Next
    8. The screen will flash a few times, and a few beeps later you should be returned to your regularly scheduled 1920x1080 resolution again.

    The Windows Feedback tool shows that this error has been reported by a number of people, but unfortunately I suspect it hasn’t registered as a high enough priority to fix (and may not be considering the age of the video hardware).

  • North America Trip–LAX to YYZ

    Looking back over Los Angeles beachesI had a few hours break at LAX before my connecting flight to Toronto. Just as well, as I forgot that it was actually a code-share with Air Canada and had to walk to a different terminal (fortunately not too far).

    I didn’t sleep very much at all on the flight from Sydney, and I tried not to doze too much in the waiting lounge at LAX in case I missed my flight! I slept a little more on the Toronto flight. Probably being quite tall doesn’t help matters. I remember the last time I few to the USA, I got seats next to the galley, so we could stretch out – but maybe they don’t have seating in that configuration anymore.

    Flying over Los Angeles

    Leaving Los Angeles. Looks very dry – don’t seem to have many parks or gardens in the suburbs I flew over. Just the occasional golf course. Quite a contrast from home.

    Sunset on cloudsA pretty sight of the setting sun lighting up the clouds on the way to Toronto.

    Our flight arrived into Toronto right on time. Unlike LAX, clearing customs & immigration was a breeze (I guess it isn’t quite as busy). Always a relief when your bag shows up on the baggage carousel too. Tom (who’s also over from Adelaide) met me at the airport and drove me back into town to where I am staying. We then went out for some tea and a chat (had some nice burgers). I’ll see Tom (and the rest of the RL Toronto crew) at the office first thing Monday morning.

  • North America Trip–ADL to LAX

    United Airlines plane at terminalMy trip to Canada and USA has begun. My alarm went of at the early time of 3.45am, left me enough time to get ready for my ride. My sister and brother-in-law very kindly offered to give me a lift to the airport. My sister is doing a travel agent course at the moment, so she’s been able to use me as a bit of a case study and look up my flight details, which has been fun. It was also nice that I got to give my youngest daughter a final hug goodbye as I managed to wake her up in my tromping around the house. Not sure if she went back to sleep, or made the most of being up before her big brother and sister.

    I discovered when checking in at Adelaide that my bags would indeed be checked through to LAX. I wasn’t sure about this when booking. Also no dramas with carry-on bags. I was worried that my (quite old) laptop might push me over the weight limit.

    I wish I could say my flight from Adelaide to Sydney was uneventful, but that would be ignoring the friendly, but slightly inebriated passenger who had trouble picking up his cup of hot coffee off of the tray being offered by the flight attendant, and promptly spilled it down my leg. A small scald mark on my shin – just glad it didn’t land in my lap. Spent the rest of the flight with cold compresses on the burn area, and it’s settling down a bit now.

    Arriving at Sydney, then transferring to the international terminal. Wow, is that a crazy place. Managed to find the United desk (right up the other end from where we were dropped off), and sailed through check-in and the border control/security stuff. Got to my departure gate with time to spare, so was able to make a couple of calls home.

    Looking back over Sydney HarbourBoarding United Airlines was straight forward. I ended up in “Economy Plus’ somehow – not complaining! My sister again was able to do some digging and informed me that I was the only one booked in my three seats. That didn’t last, as another traveller decided he’d move to the seat across from me to share some of my elbow room. That’s ok, there’s still an empty seat in between.

    I’d heard that some United planes didn’t have individual entertainment/tv consoles, but I’m pleased to find that I must have one of the more modern ones – my own screen on the seat in front, and there’s also power under the seat (and the other guy doesn’t seem to need to use it – bonus).

    So now another 12 odd hours until we land at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). I hope that goes as smoothly (if not with less coffee precipitation) as everything else has gone so far.